“Preeti Pawar: Women’s 54kg Boxing Bronze Champion”

preeti pawar

Preeti Pawar: Rising Star of Indian Boxing

preeti pawar boxing

Born on October 23, 2003, in Bhiwani, Haryana, Preeti Pawar is carving her niche as a standout figure in Indian boxing, with her journey deeply rooted in the cherished values of her Jet family

Inspiration from Roots

boxing champion

Guided by the discipline instilled by her family, Preethi’s passion for boxing blossomed, becoming the driving force behind her remarkable journey.

Early Years in Bhiwani

Boxing Champion

Growing up in Bhiwaniโ€”a town renowned for producing boxing championsโ€”Preeti’s formative years were marked by the indomitable spirit that characterizes the place.

Family Values and Boxing Passion


The synergy between family values and Periti’s burgeoning passion for boxing created a formidable foundation for her future success.

Asian Games 2022 Triumph

Boxing champion

In the pivotal year of 2022, Preeti pawar proudly represented India in the fiercely contested 54kg category at the Asian Games, leaving an indelible mark on the team’s resounding success.

Legacy in the Making

preeti pawar boxing

As her story unfolds, Preethi Pawar’s journey becomes a symbolic testament to the untapped potential thriving in small towns, standing as an inspiring beacon for the dreams that passion, family support, and hard work can transform into reality.

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